Monday, 23 March 2009

Radio Bulletin

This task was alot harder than i anticipated. Unfortunately I had the misfortune of reading the bulletin out, here my group had made a massive error of judgement.

I feel that my radio voice is quite okay but on the day it was my nerves which got the better of me. I stuttered three times and I feel this was due to the fact that some of the news stories we used were too long in sentence structure (me blaming others, lol), so the combination of having trouble reading them and my nerves proved to be my downfall.

I addition to the fact that I made some errors, I also overan in the time we were allowed. We were supposed to keep the bulletin to two minutes but i overran by twenty seconds. This happened because another member of my group had prepared the bulletin but I was the one reading it so our differing delivery speeds were not taken into account. WHOOPS.

These mistakes aside, I did feel that our group gave it our best shot, and judging on how the groups performed (i can only guess how they performed by hearing them say how badly they messed up) I believe that we were one of the better groups (beep beep).

If I were to undertake this task again, I would definitely meet with my group an hour or so before so that I could make sure that the bulletin ran more smoothly and effortlessly.

1 comment:

  1. Mistakes are good as a student, since you learn from your mistakes. It is better to try something a bit ambitious and work hard at that, than settle just for mediocrity. The credit is giving for the work and understanding not just for the quality of the output at this stage.
