Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Analyse This

Freudianism on the whole is a flawless, eloquent interpretation of the way in which the mind works. Previously I have applauded the theory of id and super-ego etc, as I know I can relate to what Freud is saying, maybe not to the same extremes as another individual, but I know what he speaks of when he refers to id… By George I wish I lived the id lifestyle, but I don’t because I am not yet mental. Furthermore, if someone is willing enough to open him or herself up to free association, then yet again Freud is a God amongst Philosophers.

However I must challenge him on his views of dream analysis. I have had many a dream where someone has said something fairly innate to me in conversation during a state of consciousness, and I have gone on to have a dream based loosely around what they have said. At the time I have thought nothing of what they have said to me and also after a dream, still nothing. Furthermore, if analysing dreams is so effective then why is it not common knowledge about what dreams mean? People have been arguing for centuries about dream interpretation… still no real conclusions.

I strongly believe in the id interfering with the ego/super-ego whilst conscious, but simply cannot accept that the unconscious state (sleeping) does in anyway resonate the true desires of the id. Dreams to me are merely either a cacophony of rubbish or a representation of my super-ego. 

Maybe I am too boring to have my id establish itself whilst I’m asleep? Or maybe I just don’t need psychoanalysis? Didn’t Freud give up on the idea of unconsciousness in the end anyway?

1 comment:

  1. alexa rank 12.4 - please update with your notes after each lecture and after each edition of WINOL including dummy editions. I am reading blogs at moment but not generally leaving comments due to pressure of time.
