Monday, 8 November 2010

WINOL Stats Update

We are now finally in the top million websites - according to the Alexa ranking - with WINOL. We are currently ranked at 996,112, which is an excellent position to be in and any further ranking improvements will be nothing short of exceptional; in the past three months we have moved up well over one million places. The sheer velocity at which the site ranking has gone up has been astronomical, and is really everything we could have hoped for given the reality of the situation i.e. we are a non-funded, student-based publication.

The reach percentage has improved again and has gone up 180% in the past month. The percentage of global users who visit has now reached 0.00031% in the past month, which I know sounds very small and is difficult to put into perspective, but it is a grand improvement from 0.0001% which is where were at at the beginning of the semester.

Despite being able to draw many positives and improvements in traffic, there are numerous negatives which can be interpreted from Alexa with regards to WINOL's impact and significance. Firstly, the daily page views per user does not have appeared to have changed in the last three months, with viewers viewing just one page per visit (presumably the homepage). The fact that the traffic has increased but the number of page views remains unchanged implies that promotion and word of mouth is significant in bringing people to the site but perhaps the content or image of the site is rendering it as not worth staying on by users.

In addition to this, the bounce percentage has risen in the past month by 6% giving an overall percentage of 73% of single page views on WINOL. This again shows that people are checking the site out but immediately leaving, although it could mean that people are coming to the website and leaving soon after, it is far more likely that people are just viewing one page because the bulletin is embedded on the homepage. The fact that the site's traffic has increased, along with the amount of time people stay on the site, indeed suggests that people are coming for the advertised bulletin.

This brings me nicely on to the amount of time users are spending on the site. The time is now set at about 4 minutes per user. This is very good, but most people would visit the site to view the advertised bulletin which is 10 minutes in length. When you consider this, it could be interpreted that a lot of people are tuning out half way through the bulletin, but the fact we have retained their attention for that long is in itself impressive. Also, much of our traffic comes from the competition, which is only two minutes in length, so when you take an average from the bulletin, competition, and other articles, a good estimation would be around 4 minutes per user, so...

Search Engine Optimization has again soared, going up by 22% in the last month alone. This demonstrates that people are both searching for us, and, that where people are not, the fact that the traffic is going up gives us greater improved search optimisation. In addition to this, the top three search engine query increases which bring traffic to the site all have the word "winol" within them, which is excellent.

With regards to article hits, the competition still remains the most viewed, with features also dominating the top positions. The studio guest interview with Chesney Hawkes has brought us a significant amount of hits, and I am sure it will take the top spot away from the competition due to the fact that it's impact is so great already and considering it has only just been uploaded to the site. So a good point to take on board would be to increase the number of studio guests we have in the broadcast.

To conclude, even though the majority of analysis is highly subjective by it's very nature, the overall signs suggest that the site and it's success is moving in a positive direction.

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