On Monday morning I was in the news room early and then began to prepare notes for Catherine's debrief. We usually go through the bulletin before she gives her debrief, and today was particularly significant as I wasn't sure if she would make the debrief... Fortunately she did; I say fortunately as she is a far more confident public speaker than I, and I would have been the one who stepped in to give the talk.
In an attempt to further boost viewing figures and traffic hits, I began conferring with the Southern Daily Echo. They are very happy to allow the WINOL team to come down and discuss ways in which we can work together. At present I am in talks to getting the team to broadcast the bulletin from the Echo. It looks highly likely that we will be able to do this, however, the fact that we have many guest editors for the next for weeks means that we will have to postpone this until we are free.

A further promotional aspect I had to overcome this week was the fact that WINOL had - despite me giving all the relevant information - failed to be advertised by the hampshire.gov website. This site has a list of events on it that happen in Winchester, so listing our WINOL will certainly bring traffic to the site. It was seemingly difficult for them to put up something which was fairly easy - in my opinion - to do.

Standard Managerial roles I undertook this week included: publishing the WINOL stats, trying to resolve the issue of slow computers, help reassign a member of the team unhappy with their current role, enquire about PC advertising.
On request, I wrote a comment piece on the Guardian Awards, which I put up on the wall for students to read, as well as my two blogs, to encourage them to get involved and nominate themselves and others.
Production-wise, I helped Andy film his package this week, took part in the production of "Hot Topics", and for the bulletin I controlled the vision mixing.
At the end of the week Winchester News Online was now officially advertised on the Winchester City Council website.
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